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It’s that time again for performance reviews, and a lot has happened this year that may have changed the way you work and what your workplace looks like.

Your performance review is not just reflective, it is also developmental and forward-thinking. Similar to interviewing, preparing to discuss your work is beneficial for your employer and for you. Here are some tips on getting the most value out of your performance review.

Communicate Effectively.  

Effective communication happens when the timing and atmosphere are welcoming to receive the message. When it comes to your performance review and feedback, be careful not to use the opportunity to blame, debate, and deflect. When your superior is conducting a performance evaluation, they do so with a pre-determined structure and an expectation that you will fall in line with their process. Try to allow them to get through their list, but also be prepared to discuss things that are important to you – at the right time. If you have a concern that is aligned with an area on their list, try to use that opportunity to engage in a more detailed conversation. If you need to discuss something beyond what is on their list, ask before the evaluation, or after they go through their normal process.

Performance Review Tips – TikTok

Provide solutions.

An evaluation reveals the areas where you can improve your work. If you are underperforming as a result of barriers beyond your control, approach your evaluation prepared to provide ideas on how to overcome those obstacles. Presenting problems without solutions can be received as complaining, and unfortunately can be interpreted as a lack of ability to do your job. To counteract this stereotype, present challenges along with suggestions to overcome those obstacles with the help of leadership. Responses framed this way will translate less as “your fault” and more as “let’s work together”.

Get ahead of it.

If you are unfamiliar with the review process, ask ahead of time to get a copy of the measurement standards. The best strategy you can use to overcome the pressure of an annual performance review is to ensure it is not the only review of your work throughout the year. Take a proactive approach and schedule performance indicator meetings quarterly with leadership. These meetings can be informal or formal, as time permits. Quarterly performance assessments can provide the opportunity for you to develop in specific areas that are formally evaluated annually.

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Assess your value.

Review every area of evaluation and conduct a self-evaluation before your formal review. This is an opportunity for you to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself about your performance. Are you really doing the best you can do? Are you going above and beyond what is required? If so, how? If you are not performing at your best, why is that? Your self-review is a value assessment of your capability to deliver for the company and for your team. Imagine you are the owner of the company. How would you rate your work? Ask yourself these questions to determine if your work produces both – value to you and to your employer.

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- Mary Davids


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