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LinkedIn is an extremely valuable platform…if you know how to use it. Besides the job-seeker user features, LinkedIn can be very resourceful for business owners, career-driven professionals and entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, most people don’t see the value in the platform because they aren’t using it effectively.

Here’s what you should be doing so you can get LinkedIn to work for you!

  1. Engaging with others on the platform. People will engage with you, but more often once you initiate and engage with them. If you want people to look at your profile to see your value or request to connect with you, you’ll need to like and comment on their posts and engage with them first. Building a relationship takes time! There is no instant gratification. Reach out to others so they can see you are interested in getting to know more about their value, rather than just expecting them to appreciate yours.
  2. Regularly posting in groups. The best way to connect with people in your industry or draw potential clients to your page is if you go to where they hang out. Groups are where users go on LinkedIn to connect with like-minded professionals and it’s also where they go to become more engaged on the platform. Once inside a group, you have immediate access to people who are interested in learning more about the industry and areas you specialize in.
  3. Providing value (engaging articles, information, etc). LinkedIn is the platform professionals use to get information and learn. Sure, there are many people looking for jobs and career opportunities; however, there are also many who are already working in a particular industry who would appreciate insight on industry leaders and experts. When you provide value in terms of information or resources, people will label you as a valuable connection, which can lead to great opportunities for you.
  4. Reminding people of what you do. It’s easy to assume you have shared enough content with people or updated your headline enough to where people who view your profile “should know” what you do. Big Mistake. To create engagement with others and ensure you are clear about the value you offer, you must always reiterate it. Over and over again, re-state what you do and even re-introduce yourself to your audience. I do this at least once every quarter to make sure I’m not assuming others know what I offer and also just to remind them they are connected with someone who can help them with their career or business.
  5. Replying to invitations. Don’t just let invitations sit in your inbox without response. Often people send invitations as a result of seeing something you posted or for a particular reason attached to a specific purpose (such as someone mentioning your name, meeting a networking event, something you liked, etc…). Take time and respond soon after you get an invitation so you can leverage the thought they had when they sent the request to you. The best way to respond to those you choose to connect with (because yes, you should absolutely be selective when connecting with people) is to send them a response via messenger. It’s a more personal way to address them and it the first step in working towards them being closer to connecting with you beyond of the platform.

Need help with your LinkedIn? Set up a private session with Mary to boost your profile and leverage your awesomeness. 

Learn more about Mary….


- Mary Davids


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