More and more States are dropping Federal Unemployment benefits
Did you know? There are at least 24 states to drop Federal Unemployment benefits within the next 2 months.
I’ve had a lot of career-coaching calls recently with new clients looking to re-enter the workforce. The greatest concern many candidates have is negotiating pay with a prospective employer. How would one explain gaps on their resumes? How would they explain why they were laid off while others remained employed by the same organization? These are tough questions to ask, so here’s my advice.
Act NOW! Believe me, the moment those benefits run out next month there will be a rush of candidates storming Indeed and LinkedIn on the hunt for a paycheck. My friend, you need to do the same….like, TUH-DAY!
TODAY, we are in an employee market but come June/July, there will very much be an employer market, which means it will be challenging to get higher pay when employers can pick from hundreds of candidates willing to accept less.
Key questions to ask yourself this week:
Are you ready to return to work?
Have you updated your resume?
What have you accomplished during the Pandemic that you can leverage to create a unique value proposition for your consideration for the role you want?
Do you have effective Salary Negotiation skills?
Have you tapped into your network or expanded your network during the Pandemic?
Here is a list of States (as of May 25th) that are opting out of the Federal Unemployment Benefits program which grants an additional $300/week for unemployment benefits.
States Ending Federal Unemployment Supplemental Benefits
Arizona – Federal Benefits will end July 10; $2k return-to-work bonus
Tennessee – Federal Benefits will end July 3
South Carolina – Federal Benefits will end June 30
Montana – Federal Benefits will end June 27th; $1,200 return-to-work bonus
Oklahoma – Federal Benefits will end June 26th; $1,200 return-to-work bonus
New Hampshire – Federal Benefits will end June 19; $1k return-to-work bonus
Florida – Federal Benefits will end June 26
Texas – Federal Benefits will end June 26
Ohio – Federal Benefits will end June 26
Utah – Federal Benefits will end June 26
Arkansas – Federal Benefits will end June 26
South Dakota – Federal Benefits will end June 26
Missouri – Federal Benefits will end June 12
Iowa – Federal Benefits will end June 12
Mississippi – Federal Benefits will end June 12
Alaska – Federal Benefits will end June 12
Indiana – Federal Benefits will end June 19
Alabama – Federal Benefits will end June 19
Nebraska – Federal Benefits will end June 19
West Virginia – Federal Benefits will end June 19
Idaho – Federal Benefits will end June 19
North Dakota – Federal Benefits will end June 19
Wyoming – Federal Benefits will end June 19
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